Hi there!
Our last monthly newsletter was sent out in July (because we took a summer break, we did not have a lot of news to share in August), so it’s high time for an update! We have a lot of news to share, including a finished comic about forest protection and corruption in Nigeria, the review of the Huion Note (which allows you to simultaneously draw on paper and on a screen) and the chance to win our review copy of the Huion Note!
Of course we’ll also share the most popular cartoons of the last few weeks. And if you’d like to receive more cartoons, click the big red button:
Editorial: political cartoonists versus Meta
You might have noticed it’s a bit quieter on our Facebook page; that’s because we’ve been limited by Meta because their technology has judged three of our recent cartoons to spread hate speech. The three cartoons in question all comment on the Taliban, who were two years in power last month. It seems drawing a person with a beard and a headscarf is now enough to sympathize with terrorism, at least according to Facebook.
Cartoonists see their work taken down frequently by Meta due to a perceived infringement of its policies. What can we do about this? Read about it in our latest editorial.
Review of the Huion Note
Huion contacted us after the review of the Kamvas 13 to ask if we were interested in testing another one of their products, the Huion Note. The Huion Note is a notebook that allows you to write or draw on paper while what you do is digitally recorded with an app on your phone.
Check out the review and if you like what you read, note that we are giving away our review model! More details about how to win it below.
Win the Huion Note!
If you’re inspired to use the Huion Note for your own drawing projects, we intend to give away our review model to a creative individual. How to win? Simple; just send us an email explaining why you’d like to own the Note and for what particular project (in the realm of political cartoons and/or comics journalism) you intend to use it for.
We’ll send the Note to who we think has the most compelling, creative, worthwhile project.
You can send your email to cartoons@cartoonmovement.com
Send us your email before October 20.
New comics journalism
For the University of British Columbia, we have produced a comic about carbon offset schemes in Nigeria and how forest conservation schemes impact the local communities that have been living in these forests for centuries. In theory these programs are about environmental protection and providing an income to communities for protecting the forest; the reality is one of empty promises and oppression.
Latest collections
Over the past two months, some of the world news inspired multiple cartoonists, which in turn inspired us to group some cartoons together. Check out our newest collection by clicking the red button below.
Most popular this month
Take a look at the most popular cartoons from the last 30 days on our social media channels.
On Instagram: Putin’s chef by Tupou Ceruzou
On Twitter: Meeting by Ivailo Tsvetkov.
On Pinterest: The impact of war by Keyvan Varesi.
Nothing on the war criminals currently in office? Obama, Trump & Biden are all evil and disgusting human beings.